It may be painful and discomforting, and it may be due to viral and bacterial infection, or allergies or pollution. Though most of the time it is not a cause for concern, a sore throat could be a huge discomfort in the way people carry out their day to day activities. Luckily, however wholesale sweets, it is possible to use several home remedies to treat the symptoms and therefore reduce the discomfort that is associated with this condition.
Natural Treatments For Sore Throat
Gargle with Salt Water
Salt water works to decrease inflammation as well as disaggregate the mucus and lessen the amount of discomfort. Swallow normally about half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water and then rinse round the mouth and spit it out. Said several times a day. You can also follow the instructions of your Best ENT Specialist in Lahore for easing your symptoms.
Stay Hydrated
Warm drinks such as herbal teas, soups, and plain warm water with honey add a lot of comfort. Do not take them beverages like tea, coffee and any form of alcohol since they are well known to cause dehydration.
Use a Humidifier
This will help to keep your throat moist, which would be a relief especially when you are from a dry climate or during mid-winter. To get temporary relief if you do not own a humidifier, you can take a shower, breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water.
Honey and Warm Water
Honey possess antibacterial characteristics and can act as a protective layer for the throat and feel comfortable. Swallow a spoonful of honey in a cup of warm water or tea once a day. This can be repeated several times a day, for example by bringing a response to exercise or work pressure later on in the day.
Herbal Teas
Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint or ginger mild have anti-inflammatory effect cutting throat pain. Prepare the tea as required by the package and you may ingest it with honey or lemon which has a healing effect.
Rest Your Voice
In case you have a sore throat, it may be as a result of voice strain, which will be avoided by stopping singing for some time. Do not whisper as this is even more tiring as compared to normal breathing techniques. If this does not work then make use of the written form of communication.
Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
Pain and inflammation can be eased using over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. It should always be taken according to the prescription and if in any case there is confusion one should consult a doctor.
When to See a Doctor
While most sore throats can be treated at home, you should seek medical attention if:
- Symptoms Persist: If your sore throat persists to be there for more than one week or if there is a sign that it is gradually becoming worse.
- Severe Symptoms: Such as having a hard time to breathe, to swallow or have a high temperature.
- Suspected Strep Throat: If, however, the pain is severe, white patches are seen on the tonsils, or the patient has swollen lymph nodes, a strep test and antibiotics may be required.
Sore throat is really uncomfortable, but with home remedies, you can be able to manage the pain and discomfort. If your symptoms are not improving or are getting worse then you must consult a ENT Specialist in Karachi. In the meantime you should drink water frequently, get enough sleep and look after your throat so as to help it to recover.